Message from the President

G.Vizayer Raj, Founder/President, Malaysian Indian HOPE Foundation

People share concern about a particular issue protecting a special project, have an idea, decide to organize, and they do it. The result is an association of like-minded people coming together around something they love to do and building that association into an activist organization that has an effect on community, especially the young, and a degree of political clout we probably never dreamed of. You all can be proud of the rising organization you associate with and you can make a difference. Malaysian Indian HOPE Foundation is a marvelous example of what community commitment is all about.

I have been working for the last 40 years, since 1978 and knew from experience that every individual can make a difference in whatever cause one choose to engage. The key is to make a conscious choice to get involved and then do it. I was fortunate to be in the right place at the right time and founded the Malaysian Indian HOPE Foundation in 2015. I have never looked back to question my choices. I have however, looked back every now and again to better understand why I decided to do what I did and because I know that remembering where I came from renews my resolve to stay on course and keep on keeping on.

Even though I did not know what I wanted to do in the way of career or vocation until relatively late in life, I always knew I would only work at something I like doing, something that is personally and socially meaningful and about which I am passionate, that is intellectually challenging and not easy to do, and something that I am good at and at the same time you have to have integrity, be honest, keep your word, stick to your principles, value friendship and loyalty.

Because our work is so much about rewards and values not easily held in hand, we must search within ourselves for satisfaction and fortitude to keep on doing what we do. Inspired and self-driven by our vision of a better future for the community, country and the world, it is up to each of us to keep alive our dreams and keep stoked that fire in the belly.

I am confident this can be our future, if we but listen closely for the heartbeat in our being that gives voice to our vision of uplifting our community. And it is our willingness to embrace this vision that lift life into the light shining just the other side of HOPE.

Let’s live to leave a legacy to inspire the next generation.